
Viewing 81 - 96 out of 107 posts


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Signs of Tonsillitis

Everyone is born with two tonsils. These are lymph nodes located right in the back of the throat. They help out the immune system by housing important white blood cells. Read More

Signs Your Child Has ADHD

Parents want the best for their child, which is why check-ups and appointments with their pediatricians are so important. Yet your pediatrician isn’t just available for when your child is Read More

Getting a Hearing Screening for Your Child

As soon as your baby is born but before they leave the hospital, they will need to undergo a hearing screening (most hospitals perform a hearing screening but it’s also Read More

Treating Your Child's Allergies

Sneezing. Watery eyes. Stuffy nose. These could just be symptoms of a cold or these could be signs that your child has allergies. If you notice that your child’s symptoms Read More

Signs of Strep Throat

It's important to be able to spot the differences between a regular sore throat or viral infection and strep throat. Anyone can get strep throat, but it is most common Read More

Diabetes and Your Child

With the rise of newly diagnosed cases of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children in the US, it’s now more important than ever for both parents and children Read More

Managing Your Child's Asthma

While there is no cure for asthma, there are ways to manage your child’s asthma symptoms and to reduce the risk for a flare-up. Of course, to be able to Read More

Treating Your Child's Ear Infection

An ear infection is one of the most common infections that children have to deal with. In fact, most children will experience at least one ear infection by the time Read More

Dietary and Nutrition Guidance

Having healthy, happy children begins with a healthy diet. We know that in this day and age life gets pretty hectic and it isn’t always easy to eat right; however, Read More

Dealing With Sports Injuries

Millions of children across the US regularly participate in some kind of sport. No matter whether your child is a dancer, gymnast, soccer player, or football player, the goals of Read More

How to Care for Your Newborn

Once you find out you’re pregnant it seems like everything shifts focus to how you are going to take care of yourself and your unborn child. Furthermore, you start making Read More

The Importance Of Regular Wellness Visits

One moment your child is born and the next moment they are sitting up, saying their first word and taking their first steps. It’s amazing just how many milestones your Read More

How Your Child Could Benefit from a Behavioral Health Consultation

Just as it’s important for your child to undergo a physical to make sure that they don’t fall ill, it’s just as important to pinpoint behavioral and mental issues early Read More

Treating Allergies In Your Child

Over 6 million children are affected by some type of allergy. That includes allergies to foods, substances in the air, and chemicals that come in contact with their skin. With Read More

Common Behavioral Issues in Children

How your pediatricians in Marion, VA, can help with behavioral issues Your child’s behavior can be complicated. It can be difficult to know whether behavior is normal, or whether it may be a Read More

FAQs about Newborn Child Care

Welcoming a newborn baby into your life is such an exciting time, but there are also many things that need to be done. One of the mostimportant ways you can Read More

Viewing 81 - 96 out of 107 posts


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