
Viewing 97 - 107 out of 107 posts


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Why are School and Sports Physicals Important?

Team sports are a great way for school aged children to maintain a healthy weight, socialize and make new friends, engage in healthy competition, achieve personal and team goals, and Read More

Should My Child Have a Behavioral Consultation?

Does your child need a behavioral consultation? A behavioral consultation is an effective way to help parents address behaviors that disrupt family routines. The consultation involves identifying problem behaviors and Read More

Caring for Your Newborn

Caring for a newborn is often simultaneously rewarding and overwhelming. Marion, VA, pediatricians Dr. Anita Henley, Dr. Leesa Lawrence, and Dr. Tara Etter share a few newborn care tips that Read More

ADHD and Your Child

ADHD is becoming a fairly common condition in young children and adolescents. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over six million children between the ages of Read More

The Importance of Well Child Visits

Well-child visits play an important role in the health of your children. Marion, VA, pediatricians Dr. Anita Henley, Dr. Leesa Lawrence, Dr. Tara Etter, and Becky Ewald, certified pediatric nurse Read More

Common Behavioral Issues

Behavioral issues can affect your child's ability to make friends and do well at school. Marion, VA, pediatricians Dr. Anita Henley, Dr. Leesa Lawrence, Dr. Tara Etter discuss several common Read More

What To Expect At A Sports Physical

When your child needs to try out for a sport in school, it is likely that they school will require a sports physical. This protects the school, but also your Read More

What ADHD Is and How to Treat it

An ADHD diagnosis can be a scary thing to hear for any parent. Luckily, ADHD is a treatable and manageable condition common in school-aged children. One of the best ways Read More

The Importance of Behavioral Health

A child’s emotional and behavioral issues are just as important as their physical health. Certainly kids will be kids; however, when their behavior is affecting school, activities or friendships then it’s Read More

Allergy Shots: Prepare Your Child for Allergy Season

Along with warm weather and beautiful flowers, spring brings with it the ever-dreaded allergy season where sneezing, runny noses and itchy eyes run rampant. Are you and your children prepared? Read More

What It Means to Maintain Behavioral Health

Maintaining good physical and behavioral health are essential for your child's growth. Because behavioral health issues can occur at any time during childhood, it's important to understand what resources are Read More

Viewing 97 - 107 out of 107 posts


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